The Absolutely, Scientifically-Based* Brand Personality Quiz

*term loosely used.

Welcome back to the Firecracker Marketing blog! Missed us? Sorry about that- we were a little busy. Thankfully, our incredible Account Coordinator, Becca Fatherree, stepped in and gave us the quiz we never knew we needed. But that we obviously did. Without further ado…

Wait a minute, who are you?

Remember those Cosmopolitan and Buzzfeed quizzes that told you what kind of pizza topping you were, or which Taylor Swift song would help you get over that boy that you thought you would end up marrying, all the while he never actually knew you existed (okay, we may have had just a ~touch~ of Bieber fever)? Well, we’re taking it back to those days, but in a cool, informative social media marketing kind of way. 

First off class, *adjusts glasses, * we’re going to have to learn a bit about what a brand personality is and why it is necessary to distinguish and streamline across all aspects of a marketing strategy.

A brand is a story that comes with a promise and a set of expectations. It is the intangible aspects that make up your company—from the aesthetic of your Instagram grid to your colors, logo, your font… don’t roll your eyes at us. You know damn well that fonts and logos have personalities and play a huge role in your respect for a company. If your financial advisor’s website is written in comic sans and you don’t run for the hills, don’t come crying to us when you’ve spent all your money on unused gym memberships and beanie babies that “might be worth something one day.” Also, surely, it’s not just us shallow, miserable souls that work social media that notice a gross-looking logo and refuse to buy that product or service until the end of time… right? 

Even if you don’t own your own business or work in social media, establishing your personal brand is just as important. Interviewing for a job? You’ve got to know what makes you stand out from everyone else. What is your “Je ne sais quois?” Yeah, we know a little French. 😘

This quiz may be able to help you hone in on what your core personality trait is and therefore help you learn a bit more about yourself to be able to answer those crazy questions that you get asked during a job interview a bit more honestly this time.  

Enough rambling, it’s time for the fun part. Let’s find out your core personality! If you are taking this for yourself, answer as you normally would but if you are taking this for a company, answer these as if you are the human version of the brand:


1. Which couple do you relate to the most?

A) Jim and Pam: that middle-aged married couple who pride themselves on that one spontaneous thing they did 3 years ago

B) Olivia and Timothee: the gen z hotties who make approx. 800 Tik Toks in one day and never had an awkward stage

C) Alice and Jake: the 20-something van-lifers that are trying to live it up and see the world before they hit 30 and have to start having kids like everyone else on Instagram (seriously we’ve seen like 8 pregnancy announcements since yesterday?)

D) Chelsea and Jeremy: the financial analysts that constantly have their shit together because they prepare for anything and everything

E) Samantha and Brendan: always in the Hamptons, constantly relaxing and you swear you’ve never seen them work a day in their life


2. Which of these feel more YOU? 

A) I don’t care, what do you want to eat? (Fellow people-pleasers, where you at? 🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️)

B) I know we just went out last night, but we should do bottomless mimosa brunch, yeah? (Extroverts are a different species.)

C) Let’s set a Saturday alarm and go for a sunrise hike.

D) I made an excel sheet to stay on top of my grocery list with predictions on when we’ll need to restock even though you didn’t ask me to.

E) This elegant Niçoise Salad is absolutely divine. (Why did we just say that in a British accent?)


3. Which music genre is your life anthem?

A) Today’s Top Hits: Nothing is mid if you believe hard enough

B) Hip Hop/Rap: If you don’t love Meg the Stallion, we can’t be friends

C) Road trip Indie: Bon Iver or bust

D) Podcasts: Why sing when you can learn

E) Jack Johnson Radio: Where’s my mojito?


4. If you could only use one form of social media to promote your brand, which would you choose? 

A) Facebook: Adds album of 87 different angles of my baby eating spaghetti

B) TikTok: More dancing, less educating

C) Twitter: For every sarcastic thought you’ve ever had

D) LinkedIn: Searches for another informative article

E) Instagram: Posts photo that strategically avoids the pile of laundry in the corner


5. You’re stranded on a desert island. What are you grabbing first?

A) A Brita so everyone can have some drinkable water.

B) Portable phone charger for my phone. You’ve got to document this.

C) A knife. Man’s gotta eat.

D) A fire starter, duh. No fire = death.

E) A sun hat, no wrinkles for us ladies.


6. You accidentally bought 5 pounds of potatoes instead of 5 potatoes on GoPuff. What are you doing with them?

A) Suit up. You’ve got some serious meal prepping ahead of you.

B) Make the world’s largest vat of mashed potatoes.

C) Read up on the best ways to preserve potatoes.

D) Eat the 5 potatoes you meant to get and donate the rest to a food shelter.

E) Ask your private chef why he ordered so many damn potatoes.


7. If your brand was a pizza topping, what would it be? (We simply couldn’t leave this out.)

A) Cheese

B) Pineapple

C) Meat Lovers

D) Pepperoni

E) Supreme


If you got mostly A’s…

You’re core brand personality is Sincerity

You are kind, thoughtful and family/friend oriented. As a brand, you are inclusive and truly value your consumers' opinions. Customer trust is top tier for you. Some like-minded brands to gain inspiration from: Toms, Coca-Cola and Hallmark. Keep spreading joy you sweet, sweet soul. 


If you got mostly B’s…

You’re core brand personality is Excitement

You are spirited, youthful and maybe a little impulsive. As a brand, you are engaging and always trying to have a fun time. Engaging content is king. Some like-minded brands to gain inspiration from: Airbnb, Progressive and Nike. Keep doing it for the Vine, peeps.


If you got mostly C’s…

You’re core brand personality is Ruggedness

You are athletic, outdoorsy and rugged. As a brand, you aren’t afraid to do the dirty work to succeed and feel those end-of-the-hike endorphins. Some like-minded brands to gain inspiration from: GoPro, Red Bull and Carhartt. Now go rub some dirt in it.


If you got mostly D’s…

You’re core brand personality is Competence

You are influential, proficient and a leader. As a brand, you prepare for all possible outcomes and attract consumers who need a bit of support and guidance. Some like-minded brands to gain inspiration from: Apple, Tesla and Google. Intelligence looks good on you, boo. 


If you got mostly E’s…

You’re core brand personality is Sophistication

You are exclusive, luxurious and something everyone secretly wants to be a part of. As a brand, you don’t just let anybody join the club and that’s the reason you’re so sought after. Playing hard to get, we like it. Some like-minded brands to gain inspiration from: SoHo House, Rolex and Kylie Cosmetics. The overpriced and limited stock seems like the key to success within this world. 


Now obviously your business can be a mixture of these, but we’re just here to help you figure out the main chunk of that gorgeous personality of yours. If you got a close second or third, then give yourself a good splash of each personality for your own perfect brand cocktail and WHAM you’re drunk on reaching the exact audience and engagement you manifested 3 years ago. You’re welcome. *clink*


In all seriousness, we strongly believe defining your brand personality is a huge aspect of helping your business succeed. Establishing a set of qualities to base all your future business endeavors around gives everyone a clear baseline to work from and avoids any customer confusion. So, while we’ve been joking around this whole time, we hope you soaked in all those little golden nuggets of information we so lovingly shared with you and take them out into the world to be the badass businesswoman… or man… you’re inevitably meant to be! 


Catch y’all on the flippity flip. ✌🏼


- Becca Fatherree, Account Coordinator


GTFO of Here, Writer’s Block.


UGC 101