Where My Girls At?

“Imma hype her every time, that my M*F* friend” -Saweetie, and also us


As you’ve probably heard from every brand’s social media page, March is Women’s History Month, and today is the token day where the world at large celebrates the greatness of women. (But doesn’t actually pay them more – heyooo!) One of our favorite “lady topics” to discuss? Women supporting other women. There is literally nothing better than celebrating women who are at the top of their game, we would like to officially propose an adjustment to the below cheesy quote, created in the factory that makes signs for Home Goods:

Obviously, Firecracker is comprised of a number of bad bitches, BUT we aren’t the only ones killing the game, and for that reason, we’ve partnered with one of our favorite baddies, PR extraordinaire and all-around amazing woman, Natasha Powell, for today’s blog. Natasha is a skilled publicist and marketer with (insert number that she wouldn’t allow us to publish) years’ experience working across the entertainment, music and hospitality industries, and both Hannah and Sarah have worked with her on a variety of clients and projects over the years. Natasha has joined us today to explain why it’s all about collaboration over competition.


Collabs > Beef

Look, we’re gonna be real with you. The world of PR and social can be cutthroat. A lot of (pre-bus) Regina Georges decided these particular industries were their *passion*, and we’ve encountered many of them. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Yes, we all love the drama when two celebs are fighting, but what does it really accomplish? We’ll take a super amazing guest verse or a Benson/Stabler reunion over that trash any day. Work should feel the same way, because, *spoiler alert* someone else who does their job well is always going to make you look better too! This is why we (Natasha and Firecracker) work cross-collaboratively on a variety of clients, refer work to each other, and share good potential hires. This goes well beyond our work together; we also work with a number of AMAZING female-run partners in the industry: like the ones changing the world over at Rosie and The Change Agentcy; the PR gals for the tastiest hot spots in town like Make Me Hungry PR, VRV PR, Diana Barton PR, and White Oak Communications; the operations geniuses at Oyster Sunday; the agency guru Amy Odgen; graphic design icons, like the creator of this incredible website, Amanda Barnhart; our travel queens at Kevinie Woo PR, Sydney Engel PR, REM PR and The Point PR; and our wine/spirits mavens at AVDB, Shanika Hillocks, and Drink PR. (Clearly, our list is loooooong, and there are many, many more!)

We could praise our partners all day, but we think you get the point. If you want to support other women in the industry, you have to actually *support* them, and that’s why today, on International Women’s Day, we are committing to the following. We hope you’ll join us. (Dudes, feel free to get in on this party! We love an ally.)


No Trash Talking

Listen, we get it; gossip can be absolutely delightful. But save it for brunch with your friends. Unless someone has done something that’s actually unethical, there’s usually no real reason to talk negatively about other agencies, clients, freelancers, coworkers or employees, especially to potential clients. There’s more than enough business to go around, and it’s just not a good look. Also, it’s a small industry. If you wouldn’t say it to their face, don’t, because they’re probably hearing you said it from someone else anyway.


Together We Rise

Look ahead of you and behind you. Who do you aspire to be? Who can you help lift up? We can all rise together when we look out for each other. Healthy competition is well, healthy, and can even be a little fun, but do your part to lift someone else up instead of tearing them down. At the end of the day, it’s just more fun to have friends beside you when you’re on top. ( Note to self: ask Sarah & Hannah if I’m allowed to say “Who Run The World? GIRLS” yet, then do it anyway.) (Note to Natasha: Yes.)


Support ALL Those Who Identify as Women

When we say support all women, it’s not like, a joke. We mean ALL women, not just the ones that look like you. (Except maybe the Marjorie Taylor Greene/Candace Owens crews. You have our blessing to withhold your support there.) Don’t know the best way to empower marginalized communities? Thankfully, Google, books, and social media exist for this exact reason! Do some research and don’t put the work on those that are already putting in more than enough. This also – and especially – goes for hiring practices, y’all!


Leave the Past in the Past

People change. Agencies evolve. Why are you still obsessively LinkedIn stalking that rando girl who accidentally spelled your name wrong when you were an intern? Obviously, if someone has committed a major error or fault against you or those you love, fine, hold them to task, but holding on to anger or hurt about professional situations that no longer affect you in the least is really only hurting you, boo boo.


Elevating Voices that Aren’t Loudest in the Room

Natasha here again. Except after, say, a few too many glasses of wine, I’ve always been one to listen more than I speak. We all know those people who may struggle to speak up or share their thoughts or ideas in meetings, and creating a safe space sometimes is as easy as simply asking them to share their opinions one-on-one – or dare I say, over a glass of said wine. Helping someone find their voice releases endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. (Idk I saw it in a movie, I think?)

Don’t Gatekeep Resources

Said best on social media (message us for credit; we truly don’t remember where we read this! But we know we did!!): “Shout out to the women who share their resources rather than ‘forgetting where they learned it.’” We cannot stress this enough – a rising tide lifts all boats. Short of giving away trade secrets or your actual services for free (don’t do that), if an industry partner or friend asks for advice or needs something you already have access to (*cough* Cision logins), share it!! It’s not costing you anything and you certainly have more to gain than you do to lose by being helpful.


Refer, Refer, Refer

If you’re really being real with yourself, not all clients are a fit. Even if the client is in your industry of choice, there’s times that they’re asking for things you can’t, or would rather not, provide. Luckily, there’s a big, wide world of amazing, talented women out there, and you probably know a few of them! Send those referrals to your favorite freelancers, agencies, etc. Considering we’ve built most of our business on referrals (both giving them and getting them), we can assure you it’s a two-way street. The client will appreciate your honesty and willingness to help, and the person you sent the referral to will proooobably keep you top of mind next time they have one of their own. Win-win.


In summation, when in doubt, always ask yourself, “What Would Dolly Do?” and just do that. International Women’s Day is EVERY. DAMN. DAY. We’ll see you on top, ladies.  

- Sarah Archer (CEO and Co-Founder of Firecracker Marketing) & Natasha Powell



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